quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2020

Conteúdo complementar da aula do CMSP -para 6º anos - May 12th, 2020.

Subjects pronouns  or  Personal Pronouns 
(Pronomes sujeitos ou  Pronomes pessoais)

Agora assista ao vídeo para entender melhor os Subjects Pronouns  or  Personal Pronouns.


Verb: TO HAVE (ter) de possuir:  

E.g:                 I have a car. ( eu tenho um carro)

                       She has a car, (ela tem um carro).

Agora assista ao vídeo para entender melhor o  VERB “TO HAVE”

Activities- Atividades

 1-  In the questions below, fill in the blanks with have or has.(Nas questões abaixo preencha as lacunas com have ou has)

a) My neighbors _____ a blue car.
b) Samantha and Daniel _____ kids.
c) Do you _____ a dog?
d) Does Rachel _____ a cat?
e) My parents _____a parrot.
f) My sister _____ a lot of friends.
g) We _____ an English test tomorrow.
h) They _____ a lot of money.
i) My best friend _____ blue eyes.
j) My grandfather _____ a tumor on his leg.

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2020

Conteúdos de Lingua Inglesa para 9º anos. May 07, 2020


(EF09LI04) Expor resultados de pesquisa ou estudo com o apoio de recursos, tais como notas, gráficos, tabelas, entre outros, adequando as estratégias de construção do texto oral aos objetivos de comunicação e ao contexto.

1-a) Let’s read the text! (Vamos ler o texto!)
Solar energy has benefits and some limitations

Using solar energy has two main benefits:
• Solar energy systems do not produce air pollutants or carbon dioxide.
• Solar energy systems on buildings have minimal effects on the environment.

Solar energy also has some limitations:
• The amount of sunlight that arrives at the earth’s surface is not constant. The amount of
sunlight varies depending on location, time of day, season of the year, and weather conditions.
• The amount of sunlight reaching a square foot of the earth’s surface is relatively small, so
a large surface area is necessary to absorb or collect a useful amount of energy.
Source: https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/solar/ Accessed on Oct, 1st 2019

Natural gas exploration, drilling, and production affects the environment
When geologists explore for natural gas deposits on land, they may disturb vegetation and soil with their vehicles. Drilling a natural gas well on land may require clearing and leveling an area around the well site. Well drilling activities produce air pollution and may disturb people, wildlife, and water resources. Laying pipelines that transport natural gas from wells usually requires clearing
land to bury the pipe. Natural gas production can also produce large volumes of contaminated water. This water requires proper handling, storage, and treatment so that it does not pollute land and other waters. Natural gas wells and pipelines often have engines to run equipment and compressors, which produce air pollutants and noise.
Source: https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/natural-gas/natural-gas-and-the-environment.php Accessed on Oct, 1st 2019

Use of renewable energy is growing
Renewable energy sources include biomass, geothermal energy, hydropower, solar energy, and wind energy. They are called renewable energy sources because they are naturally replenished. Day after day, the sun shines, the wind blows, and the rivers flow. We use renewable energy sources mainly to make electricity.
Source:  https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/what-is-energy/sources-of-energy.php Accessed on Oct, 1st 2019

b) Fill out the chart according to your reading and research. Which are the benefits and disadvantages of different types of energy?( Preencha o gráfico de acordo com sua leitura e pesquisa. Quais são os benefícios e as desvantagens dos diferentes tipos de energia?)


Energy source



e.g. Geothermal
It does not harm the environment.
It can give rise to earthquakes.




Energy source


e.g. Nuclear energy

It does not contribute to global warming.
It can cause large-scale catastrophic

Natural gás


Conteúdos de Língua Inglesa para 8º anos. May 07th, 2020


(EF08LI03) Construir o sentido global de textos orais, relacionando suas partes, o assunto principal e informações relevantes.

(EF08LI17) Empregar, de modo inteligível, os pronomes relativos (who, which, that, whose) para construir períodos compostos por subordinação.

1- Based on the previous explanations, complete the definitions of different types of water and sources with the words in the box. (Com base nas explicações anteriores, complete as definições de diferentes tipos de água e fontes com as palavras na caixa).

river - lake - oceans - aquifers - ground water - salt water - fresh water - river

1) A __________is a watercourse, usually fresh water, that flows by gravity toward an ocean, a lake, a sea, or another ______________.

2) ___________are large amounts of salt water that covers almost three quarters of the Earth’s surface, is divided by continents and large archipelagos.

3) A _______________is a natural depression on Earth’s surface that permanently contains a variable amount of water.

4) In geology is considered _________________all that water that occupies all the empty spaces of a geological formation, the so-called____________. Ground water is formed by surplus rainwater.

5) ____________ around the world has a salinity close to 3,5%, which means that for every liter of
seawater there are 35 grams of dissolved salts, most of which are sodium chloride. Seawater has no
uniform salinity around the globe.

6) Water is an abundant renewable natural resource that occupies approximately 70% of our planet’s
surface. However, 97% of this water is salty and therefore unfit for consumption. Less than 3% of the
planet’s_______________, of which 2.5% is trapped in glaciers. Of the remaining 0.5% of water in the
world, most are trapped in ground water aquifers, making human access difficult.

2- Based on the previous explanations, fill in the blanks with the most appropriate relative pronoun.  (Com base nas explicações anteriores preencha os espaços em branco com o pronome relativo mais adequado).
01. The clergyman _______ had a sore throat preached a fine sermon.

a) what
b) which
c) whose
d) whom
e) that

02. I know the girl _____ wrote you this letter.

a) whose
b) whom
c) which
d) d) who
e) e) what

03. Were those the physicians to ______ you introduced you brother?

a) which 
b) who
c) whose
d) d) whom
e) e) when

04. That’s the businessman_________ daughter suffered an accident this morning.

a) which
b) who
c) whose
d) whom
e) when

05. The book ____ I was reading yesterday was a detective story.

a) whose
b) what 
c) whom
d) who
e) which

06. Did you know ______ agoraphobia is a morbid fear of open places?

a) if
b) than
c) that
d) what
e) which

07. The shirt ______ buttons are yellow belongs to me.

a) whose
b) which
c) whom
d) who
e) what

08. The lady _______ was here a week ago went to London.

a) which
b) what
c) whom
d) who
e) whose

09. I don’t like people _______ laugh at me.

a) whose
b) which
c) who
d) what
e) whom

10. His father, _________ lives in Rio, will return soon.

a) whose
b) what
c) who
d) whom
e) “b” and “c” are corrects.

Conteúdos de Língua Inglesa para 7º anos. May 07th, 2020

Hello Guys!!!!!!

ACTIVITIES  - (Atividades)

(EF07LI06) Antecipar o sentido global de textos em língua inglesa por inferências, com base em leitura rápida, observando títulos, primeiras e últimas frases de parágrafos e palavras-chave repetidas.

a -
 Unscramble the sentences below and check the right order.( Decifre as frases abaixo e coloque as em  ordem correta).

The   way

Living   things 

An ecologist

Their environment


Interact with





A zoologist





A phycologist





An oceanographer





An botanist


 Read the roles of each type of scientist and match them to the ones in the box below.( Leia os papéis de cada tipo de cientista e combine-os com os da caixa abaixo).

Oceanographer – Antropologist – Zoologist – Hydrologist – Phycologist – Geologist – Botanist – Ecologist

• Describe the biotic components of the ecosystem.
• Study how the biotic components of the ecosystem are organized.
• Study how the biotic components of the ecosystem interact.
 • Study how the biotic components interact with the abiotic components.

• Study the kinds of animals in the ecosystem.
• Study how the animals interact with the biotic components.
• Study how animals interact with the abiotic components.
• study animals physical and behavioral adaptations.

• Describe the diversity and location of algae in the ecosystem.
• Study the colors and sizes of algae. • Study what the algae attach to in the ecosystem.
• Study how organisms use the algae. • Study evidences of sunlight in the ecosystem.

• Describe the biotic and abiotic components of the ocean ecosystem. • Observe if the biotic and abiotic components of the ocean ecosystem are constant or unconstant on a daily, weekly or monthly bases.
• Study which of those components determine how many and what types of organisms the ocean can support.

• Describe the diversity and location of plants in the ecosystem.
• Describe the main producers in the ecosystem.
• Study the needs of the producers.
• Study the role producers play.

• Describe the general geology of the ecosystem.
• Observe evidences of major geologic events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mountain building or eroding, or others).
• Study how the water shape the surface of the ecosystems.
• Describe the rocks and soil, i.e., color, texture or hardness.
• Study the impact the soil has on the biological organisms that live on or in it.

• Describe any water or evidence of water in the ecosystem.
• Based on a visual survey, study why areas in the ecosystem seem to receive more water than other areas.
• Study the role of rain or other precipitation in the ecosystem.
• Describe water runoff and drainage in this ecosystem.
• Study the quality of water (past or present) to be in the ecosystem and why.

• Describe any signs of human influences on the ecosystem and describe them as positive or negative. • Study the differences of the ecosystems today compared to three hundred years ago. • Study actions people can take to make human influences on the ecosystem more positive.

Conteúdo complementar da aula do CMSP -para 6º anos - May 12th, 2020.

Subjects pronouns  or    Personal Pronouns  ( Pronomes sujeitos ou   Pronomes pessoais) Agora assista ao vídeo para entende...